Java 1.8+ (OpenJDK 8 or higher)
Docker 18.09.1+ (only for installation via docker)
Quick Install
(Applicable in Linux, Mac, and Windows)
Python Way
If you have Python installed already, please do:
Step 1: Open a Terminal/Prompt and run
pip install pygeoweaver --upgrade
Step 2: After pygeoweaver is installed, please run:
gw start
Step 3: Open browser and enter: http://localhost:8070/Geoweaver/ . That is it.
Java Way
If you don’t have Python only have JDK installed, please follow:
Step 1: Download the latest version of geoweaver.jar and save it in any folder
Step 2: Navigate to the Jar file folder and Run the command:
java -jar geoweaver.jar
Step 3: Open browser and enter: http://localhost:8070/Geoweaver/ .That’s it!
Build from source
Use maven to build. In the command line, go to the root folder and execute mvn install
. After a successful build, the Geoweaver jar package will be under the directory: Geoweaver/target/Geoweaver-<version>.jar
Install using Docker
Step 1: Install Docker Desktop if you haven’t (please refer to Get Docker to download).
Step 2: Pull geoweaver image using command:
docker pull geoweaver/geoweaver
for other versions, visit docker hub
Step 3: Run geoweaver using command:
docker run -t -i -v <YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY>:/home/marsvegan/ -p 8070:8070 -e PASSWORD="YOUR_PASSWORD" geoweaver/geoweaver
What is going on? :
-v <YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY>:/home/marsvegan/
is for mounting your current home directory into the docker containers.marsvegan
is the user name within geoweaver containers.-p 8070:8070
maps the port so you can access Geoweaver from your browser.-e
is for specifying environment variablePASSWORD
is the published docker image url in DockerHub.
Tip: You can create an alias, so next time, you won’t copy and paste such a long command:
alias geoweaver="docker run -t -i -v <YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY>:/home/marsvegan/ -p 8070:8070 geoweaver/geoweaver"
Then start it by simply typing: geoweaver
Step 4: Open web browser and input http://localhost:8070/Geoweaver
. Geoweaver should show up in a sec. That is it!
Reset Password for Localhost
Geoweaver will automatically create a password for localhost. It will only show once at the first run of Geoweaver. It is recommended to copy and save it in a safe place. If you forget or miss that password, please run the following command to reset it:
java -jar geoweaver.jar resetpassword
If you used Docker
, use the following command:
docker run -t -i -v <YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY>:/home/marsvegan/ -p 8070:8070 jensensun/geoweaver resetpassword
Set up HTTP Proxy
Click here to set up
Changing the listening port
Geoweaver allows one to change the listening port to run multiple instances simultaneously on the same machine. Default port used by Geoweaver is 8070, to change the port please run the following command:
Using Environment Variable
For Linux/macOS:
export GEOWEAVER_PORT='Port number'
Example: export GEOWEAVER_PORT=8081
For Windows-Command Prompt:
set GEOWEAVER_PORT='Port number'
Example: set GEOWEAVER_PORT=8081
For Windows-Powershell:
$env GEOWEAVER_PORT='Port number'
Example: $env GEOWEAVER_PORT=8081
Run the command above in a new terminal, then start the application(using start command) to launch a new instance of Geoweaver on your machine.
java -jar Geoweaver.jar
After changing the port using the above command manually change the port number in url.