ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee (STC)

GeoSemantics Symposium, Monday January 8th, 2018

Symposium Agenda: Agenda available here

Date and Time: Monday, January 8, 2018, 8:30am to 5pm (the day before the start of the ESIP Winter Meeting)

Location: Brookside A Room, Bethesda North Marriott, Bethesda, MD

Cost: The event is free. However, attendees must cover their own travel expenses.

Registration: Registration is open, please register your interest on the attendees page or email the ESIP Semantic Technologies Chair, Beth Huffer (

Remote Access: Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 172-391-781


The ESIP Semantic Technologies Committee will be hosting a one day GeoSemantics Symposium. The event will be held at Bethesda North Marriott (the same location as the ESIP meeting) with the intention to bring together the geoscience community interest in Semantic Web, and more broadly Semantic Technologies, with the topic being Applications of Semantics and Ontologies in Earth Science. We’d like to fully leverage all of the semantic work happening in our respective communities, avoid duplication of effort, and work towards a broad community-endorsed path forward.

We seek broad community input and encourage non-ESIP members and members of other professional societies to attend. The event itself is free; however, attendees will be responsible for providing their own travel and lodging. The exact room within the Marriott is still being worked out and will be provided in future announcements. Also, suggestions for topics to be covered are welcome.