3 Preliminary data product summaries

3.1 Common Features

Through our examination of the current meta-analysis efforts, there emerged commonalities across all of the data products. Many studies feature common site level characteristics such as location (consisting of latitude, longitude, and elevation) and observation time. Soil level characteristics are also common across most data products including bulk density, depth of sample and layer, organic carbon percentage, loss on ignition, sand, silt, clay, and pH. Further, vegetation class notes are described frequently, but often use unique vocabularies that are not directly comparable across studies.

3.2 Unique Features

Each data product has unique qualities in how the data was captured and recorded.
ISCN and ISRaD, for example, each feature a disturbance table, fraction table, and higher levels of site and layer-level information than other data models. CCRCN includes coastal specific vocabulary (such as inundation and salinity), anthropogenic impacts, specific isotopes (Am241, C14, Cs137, Be7, Pb210, Ra226), a ‘one_liner’ summary, and both core-level and site characteristics for location. SIDb includes data on time series and initial conditions, as well as unique variables such as anaerobic/aerobic, gasMeasured, and samplePreparation. Crowther has detailed soil warming data (planned temperatures, control temperatures, mean temperatures), distinguishes between total raw carbon and total carbon, and features updated data from outside sources (Biome, % Clay, pH). Van Gestel categorizes carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus pools above and below ground, has detailed treatment information, soil horizon, and percent soil organic matter. Wosis is unique in that it breaks down many of the variables into value, average value, method, date, dataset id, profile code, and licence.